
How to Create a Fashion Website that Looks Stunning and Speaks for Itself!
To learn you need to be inspired!
We used one of our client's websites as a case study in the video that is displayed in this Blog to explain why you need to incorporate these 5 main points when you are creating a stunning looking Fashion or E-Commerce Website.
You can check the video on our YouTube channel or follow this link Digital Locker - Design Video
The important steps to take are:
1. User-Friendly Layout
Your website should have a simple, straightforward layout that is user-friendly, easy to navigate and simplistic to use by your clients and customers.
2. Nicely Designed Website Header & MenĂº
The header should incorporate a beautiful image that explains what is your website about. MenĂº should be clear, visible and easy to use.
3. Correct Page Layout
All of the pages should incorporate these points, depending on the need of that specific page:- Sharp and fashionable Images- Well explained content- Information explaining about company, products & services
4. Live Chat
Your website should have incorporated Live Chat, which gives a more professional look and feel about the website, the company or the brand where clients can chat directly with your organisation's representatives.
5. Footer
Keep it a simple and easy-to-use footer. All of the information in the footer should be branded and well presented.
Hope you can see the value in this content and use it to create your own beautiful and inviting fashion or e-commerce websites!
Don't Hate > Create!
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DL Team